Goodness, WikiLeaks!—Did we need to know that?

WikiLeaks: During his first campaign in 1996, Ecuadorean President Rafael Correa accepted funding from the FARC and from the Venezuelan government. WikiLeaks: President Correa is sympathetic to the FARC—as pointed out by his rejection of Spanish assistance in controlling the Colombia-Ecuador border against the FARC.

Dearest WikiLeaks: Please reveal something we did not know.

WikiLeaks: Correa’s foreign minister, Ricardo Patiño, who, back then, was Correa’s campaign director, sought and received the illegal funds.

Dearest WikiLeaks: Zzzz. So?

WikiLeaks: “According to Guayaquil sources, Patiño is rumored to be homosexual.”

Goodness, WikiLeaks!—Did we need know that?

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